• Maximise Yield and Profits

    Identify root causes and bottlenecks to improve plant performance
  • Reduce Energy Consumption

    Leverage AI to minimise your energy consumption
  • Optimise Product Quality

    Compare batches to uncover product quality issues in real-time
  • Optimise Utilities Consumption

    Sophisticated models that will reduce your utilities consumption
  • Predict Failures and Prevent Shutdowns

    Actionable real-time alerts and anomaly detection proven to predict failures
  • Improve Productivity

    Sophisticated analytics, customised for plant professionals, reduce troubleshooting from weeks to hours
  • Improve Health, Safety, and Emissions Compliance

    Leverage AI to monitor and manage your emissions


Industrial data analysis is a resource-intensive process that has a long lifecycle due to inefficiencies in all phases. These limitations lead to delays in obtaining actionable insights into any incident that may occur, resulting in production losses and increased costs.

EmpiricAI’s Industrial Analytics is a self-service advanced analytics solution that enables engineers to rapidly investigate and share insights from their OT and IT data. Connecting time series data with an Industrial Analytics is as simple as filling in a form.

Our product has been custom built for industrial plant professionals and what they need to do hourly, daily, weekly and monthly. Its advanced analytics engine enables process and asset experts to analyze, monitor, and predict the operational performance of their plant and assets in real-time and over time.

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Visualize months of process data instantaneously. Make projections and assessments of various asset and performance parameters, and filter and overlay data with the click of a button to identify opportunities.


Quickly compare current and past process data to identify similarities in trends and behaviour. Perform a speedy root cause analysis by identifying how the parameters relate to each other. Integrate digital organization knowledge management with live process data to reduce breakdowns.


Our prediction features help users get a sneak peek of how different parameters are expected to behave under ongoing conditions in the future. This aids in decision support to run the plant at optimum levels and take corrective actions before incidents occur.


Self-service analytics provide a robust framework that lets you deploy physics-based and AI/ML models on top of it to not only predict but prescribe for quick actions to save maintenance costs and increase efficiencies in the industrial space.


Office 1: +(03) 0106 387 4456
Office 2: +(03) 0106 387 4456

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From Mon to Fri 08:00 – 18:00
Sat to Sun 10:00 – 16:00

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